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  • 高溫陶瓷燒製,無塗層,乾淨衛生易清洗。
  • 強化瓷材質,耐用、耐酸鹼,可裝檸檬水、咖啡、茶及氣泡水等,不留殘味。
  • 食品級矽膠杯蓋設計,防塵、防潑灑。
  • 底層14款PANTONE色系矽膠套,保護傢俱防止刮傷、防滑、防燙,好拿取。
  • 可替換矽膠套設計,隨自己的心情替換顏色。





  • 商品名稱: 美國HYDY陶瓷杯 300ml
  • 杯體材質: 陶瓷
  • 杯蓋材質: 食品級矽膠(耐熱220°C)
  • 保護套材質: 食品級矽膠(耐熱:220℃)
  • 容量: 10oz / 300ml  
  • 重量: 370克  尺寸: 直徑90mm X 高105mm
  • 原產地: 中國

300ml 陶瓷杯 | 拿鐵

NT$890 一般價格
  • I'm a product detail. I'm a great place to add more information about your product such as sizing, material, care and cleaning instructions. This is also a great space to write what makes this product special and how your customers can benefit from this item. Buyers like to know what they’re getting before they purchase, so give them as much information as possible so they can buy with confidence and certainty.
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